Bridal Shoes Canada

Bridal Shoes Canada

275 Yorkland Road, Toronto, Ontario, M2J0B4, Canada     1-647-822-2292

  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Foot Petals

Your feet don't have to suffer to be beautiful. Foot Petals products were created for those of us who have a love/hate relationship with our sexy shoes.
Foot Petals provide virtually invisible cushions that make shoes more comfortable and stop annoying, painful issues - a fashion footwear solution that is not only stylish, but healthy, too.
There is $10 shipping charge for order under $25.00 for foot petals.

  SKU Product Our Price
SKU597 Shoe Foam Taps $3.00
SKU598 Shoe Grips $3.00
SKU596 Shoe Halters $3.00